
  1. Flying corpses & monsters
  2. Trick!
  3. Floating brick
  4. Why open door when you can jump?
  5. Earth-walkers
  6. Ass-crawling corpses

Flying corpses & monsters


Fallout 3 Screenshot

What is this?

Fallout 3 Screenshot

Oh look, Protectron! Wtf?

Fallout 3 Screenshot

Hel-lo there!

Fallout 3 Screenshot

Kung-fu dog

Fallout 3 Screenshot


Nice friends you have! (made so to have him nuke Behemoth and not you first, I guess)

Fallout 3 Screenshot

Floating brick

Look! No hands!

Fallout 3 Screenshot

Fallout 3 Screenshot

Why open door when you can jump?

Looks like level glitch - jump on some tubes, then on some boxes, and you can use computer in another mid-jump without unlocking the door to it

Fallout 3 Screenshot


Brotherhood patrol entrenched on a bridge

Fallout 3 Screenshot

"Whatcha looking at?"

Fallout 3 Screenshot

Charon just cannot exit buildings normally

Fallout 3 Screenshot

Ass-stepping corpses

If you shoot mutant on the ladder and it stays in more-or-less one piece, and falls on his back, he will crawl down by stepping from step to step... on his ass. Unfortunately, no game video, but I made a sequence out of screenshots.

Video; Source shots